Integrative Fascial Therapy

Fascial therapy differs from a relaxation massage in that it focuses on the mobility and function of connective tissue or fascia and the joints that are within the fascial “train". We start with a visual body assessment is to determine your body's current relationship to gravity and what possibly may be causing dysfunctions or pain. A game plan is discussed and treatment begins with manual therapy to lengthen, stretch, and soften the tissue in efforts restore fascia to intended position and maintain postural balance. Additionally, mobility of restricted muscles is restored as well as significant sense of body awareness. The therapist and client will discuss what integrative services they would like to incorporate i.e Rockblade, Cupping or other IASTM tools along with manual therapy.


60 min $89

75 min $109

90 min $139

Integrative fascial therapy can be intense and is not for everyone! So if you are looking for a generally relaxing massage or tension relief from achy muscles with a spa-like environment this is the massage for you, Long gentle strokes are used to stimulate an increase of blood flow and lymph drainage. Pressure may range from light to medium for an overall feeling of recovery and relaxation.


60 min Focus or Full Body $89

75 min Focus or Full Body $109

90 min Focus or Full Body  $139

Relaxation Massage