Thank you for visiting my website. For those that don’t know me my name is Mayra and I am the owner and operator of Myossage. I have a long career and background in emergency health services and have always been interested in the health and well being of patients. I use my massage therapy license to continue the practice of helping individuals of managing or alleviating pain and make an awareness of what could possibly be the underlying cause. All of my modalities focus on rehab and restoring a client's fascia (connective tissue) as it is now recognized as a potential cause for chronic pain. I by no means try to diagnose any underlying health issues, but I believe that an awareness of why your body is sending pain signals is the first step to get your body back to homeostasis and better overall function.


Licensed Massage Therapist - Academy for Massage Therapy School -San Antonio, Texas.

Myodetox Framework Certified LV1- Myodetox, Toronto, Canada

Myodetox System Certified Lv2 - Myodetox, Orange, Califorina

FMT Rockblade Certified Practitioner - FMT Rockblade, San Antonio, TX

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician - Centre for Emergency Health Services
